2016年7月18日 星期一



在香港,如果居民感到受精神病患者滋擾,可致電區內的社區精神健康協作計劃隊。社區精神健康協作計劃(Community Mental Health Intervention Project)簡稱CoMHIP2006 – 07年度施政報告內的一項建議。服務目標為提供介入服務協助社區內懷疑有精神健康問題的人士及其家屬這些協作計劃隊由各非政府組織申請社署資助而成立。它們沒有實權,但它們會派出社工上門,若社工認為事件嚴重,他們可聯絡駐精神科醫院的社區精神科小組(CPT)跟進。社區精神科小組由精神科醫生和護士組成。精神科醫生可根據《精神健康條例》將有需要患者送院,期間會尋求警方協助。


英國的 Section 136





 Mental Health Act (UK)

136  Mentally disordered persons found in public places.

(1)If a constable finds in a place to which the public have access a person who appears to him to be suffering from mental disorder and to be in immediate need of care or control, the constable may, if he thinks it necessary to do so in the interests of that person or for the protection of other persons, remove that person to a place of safety within the meaning of section 135 above.
(2)A person removed to a place of safety under this section may be detained there for a period not exceeding 72 hours for the purpose of enabling him to be examined by a registered medical practitioner and to be interviewed by an [F1approved mental health professional] and of making any necessary arrangements for his treatment or care.
[F2(3)A constable, an approved mental health professional or a person authorised by either of them for the purposes of this subsection may, before the end of the period of 72 hours mentioned in subsection (2) above, take a person detained in a place of safety under that subsection to one or more other places of safety.
(4)A person taken to a place of a safety under subsection (3) above may be detained there for a purpose mentioned in subsection (2) above for a period ending no later than the end of the period of 72 hours mentioned in that subsection.]

《精神健康條例》 (香港)

條: 31 接受觀察病人的羈留 L.N. 29 of 1999 01/02/1999
(1) 凡基於下述理由,可向區域法院法官或裁判官申請將某名病人羈留以作觀察的命令─
(a) 該病人患有精神紊亂,而其精神紊亂的性質或程度,足以構成理由將他羈留在精神病院內至少一段有限的期間,以接受觀察(或接受觀察後再接受治療);及
(b) 為該病人本身的健康或安全,或是為保護他人著想,應該將該病人如此羈留。
(1A) 凡申請命令將某名病人羈留以作觀察,須基於一名註冊醫生以訂明表格提供的書面意見,
(a) 一項表示該醫生認為第(1)款所載條件已獲符合的陳述;
(b) 訂明詳情,列舉與第(1)(a)款所載條件有關的意見所基於的理由;及
(c) 一項列舉與第(1)(b)款所載條件有關的意見所基於的原因的陳述。
(1B) 在接獲根據第(1)款所提出的申請後,區域法院法官或裁判官可以訂明表格作出命令,授權將病人移往精神病院,以作羈留和觀察,由作出命令之日起計(並包括該日在內)為期不超過7天。
(2) 上述每項命令均具有效力,授權申請人及每名公職人員在每宗個案中按情況所需的協助下,使用合理所需的武力,將該病人移往精神病院,又不論因任何原因,如將該病人立即移往精神病院並不切實可行,則將該病人羈留在安全地方,為期不超過48小時。
(3) 凡在區域法院法官或裁判官裁定是否要根據第(1B)款作出命令之前,病人請求見該區域法院法官或裁判官,則─
(a) 該區域法院法官或裁判官在接見該病人前,不得作出該命令;及
(b) 為施行第(1A)款而曾提供意見的註冊醫生所簽發以證明該病人是否曾作上述請求的證明書,即成其所載事項的足夠證據。
(4) 院長可將屬根據本條或第32條作出的命令的標的之人羈留在精神病院內,以接受觀察、調查和治療。




(a) 社區精神健康協作計劃(下稱「協作計劃」);
(b) 社區精神健康照顧服務;
(c) 社區精神健康連網;及
(d) 精神病康復者訓練及活動中心





Detention under Mental Health Act
14 July 2016
Volume 613
House of Commons

At the inquest, the coroner had no hesitation in agreeing with Professor Keith Rix, who was called to give expert evidence, that Mr Middleton fell into a category of mentally disordered persons for whom there is no appropriate provision under the Act.

I am reliably informed that in the Republic of Ireland, the Garda Siochana have a clear operational advantage in that, under section 12 of Ireland’s Mental Health Act, 2001, where there is

a serious likelihood of the person causing immediate and serious harm to himself or herself or to other persons”,
a garda can

enter…any dwelling or other premises or any place if he or she has reasonable grounds for believing that the person is to be found there.”

10 years between 1997-98 and 2007-08, admissions to hospital as a place of safety increased from 2,237 to 7,035. T

It was calculated that 17,417 people were detained under section 136 in 2005-06. By 2011-12, the overall number of incidences of its use was recorded as 23,500.

London-based social services authority’s audited figures indicated that some 30% of section 136 arrests were recorded as having been made at or, just outside, the detainee’s home.

One argument against the amendment that I am suggesting is that the police already have sufficient powers. It is quite clear, from my own observation, that that is basically incorrect. The second argument is that it would extend the right of the police to enter people’s private properties.

in a place to which the public have access”.
It is important that we work together. I give my hon. Friend a commitment that if we cannot get this right using the measures that we are working on, an amendment to section 136 might be exactly what we need.

I do not want the police to be seen, yet again, to be picking up something that another Department needs to address. That is what has happened over the years

