2017年8月16日 星期三


高鐵在2010年被批准撥款(註一),其應急費用佔整體工程費用中的 8%,價格調整準備佔6.5%(2)。這種懶人包的固定比成方法在後來發覺出了問題。在2014年出現了張炳良的疑中留情事件,知道高鐵大幅超支和延遲到2017年底才能通車(3)。在20153月,港鐵已經發現其申索開支佔已批岀合約總額的37.9%(3)。到2015年,政府才知道高鐵要進一步推遲至2018年第三季度通車;其委託費修訂為853億元,當中包括832億元的新修訂工程費用,以及21億元備用資金(4)

為了亡羊補牢,高鐵聘請了兩位國際專家調查此事,專家提了出設立三級備用資金制度。主要的是,在過往陋習中,政府、受委托者(港鐵)和承建商都將這筆備用資金作為已支出之物,有多少使多少,不夠再攞(註五  so-called "red meat" syndrome (註六)

專家的建議是將備用資金分為三級,當中的承辦商工程合約預算 (Initial Contract Control Total) 預加10%給項目控制組(Project Control Group ) 運用(註八)。港鐵公司作為受委托者在政府的同意下可動用第二級備用,其計算方法是以項目有4成或然率不超支完成而計算出來的金額。政府則保留運用第三級,即最後防線。其計算是項目應有8成至9成或然率不超支完成。





立法會財務委員會於 2010 1 16 日批准撥款後,廣深港高速鐵路(高鐵)香港段的建造工程已隨即展開。預期在 2015 年通車。工程費用為 668 1,750萬元(按付款當日價格計算),當中鐵路工程佔 550 1,750 萬元,非鐵路工程佔 118 億元。


PWSC(2009-10)68 53TR 廣深港高速鐵路香港段⎯⎯ 鐵路建造工程
30. 按付款當日價格計算,我們估計 53TR 號工程計劃的費用為 550
1,750 萬元,當中應急費用為44.5( 8%),價格調整準備為36(6.5%)

PWSC(2009-10)69 57TR 廣深港高速鐵路香港段 ⎯⎯ 非鐵路建造工程
20. 按付款當日價格計算,我們估計 57TR 號工程計劃的費用為 118
當中應急費用9.5( 8%),價格調整準備為7.7(6.5%)







  獨立專家審視了高鐵香港段目前的預算控制安排。獨立專家認為, 成本超支的根本原因, 是最初的預算安排過緊。成本 超支歸因於兩個因素:( 1 工程延誤及( 2 香港建築業過熱 導致市場供應的壓力。為應對日後項目的成本超支風險, 立專家提出了三項建議, 即港鐵公司採用:( 1 概率成本指 標;( 2 利用參考組別預測來制定合理的預算及備用資金, 以增補現行的成本計算的做法; 及( 3 在「服務經營模式」 下為項目設立分級備用資金。 
 第三, 在「服務經營模式」下的項目, 即由政府而非港鐵公 司為項目提供資金, 與在「擁有權模式」下的項目不同, 者的預算受制於政治進程, 並需要較高的透明度。建立分級 備用資金, 有助制定適當的激勵措施、確保項目的順利交 付, 同時避免因為項目備用資金被視為已出之物而其金額眾 所周知, 導致備用資金被全數耗用。分級備用資金需因應每個項目的具體風險和情況而制定。 
 1 . 3 7 獨立專家認為: ( 1 ) 備用資金過低令最近修訂的預算安排過緊; ( 2 ) 港鐵公司要在預算內完成項目面對重大挑戰; ( 3 ) 港鐵公司為確保最划算的整體造價而制定緊絀的預算, 這是可以理解的, 但卻會使超支機會增加; ( 4 ) 港鐵公司應在預算中為不可知的狀況預留費用, 其中部分費用可由政府監控。 
 1 . 4 4 第二, 獨立專家認為, 備用資金的提取最能反映項目的主要成本風險。獨立專家建議採用以概率為基礎的關鍵績效指標, 以監察項目按預算完成的機會。此外, 應根據獨立專家 的評估, 應重新審視7 1 5 億港元的造價估算。展望未來, 獨立專家特別針對「服務經營模式」項目提出了建議, 指出除了現行的成本計算做法外, 還應採用參考組別預測來建立分級備用資金, 由項目、港鐵公司及政府持有不同水平的備用資金。 


6.20 Tiered contingency management as described here helps to reassure contractors that funding is available to secure smooth project delivery. On the one hand the overall contingency position would become public knowledge. On the other hand the tiered approach signals that access to contingency funds is increasingly difficult. This helps to avoid the so-called "red meat" syndrome, where contingencies are used up simply because they are there and are common knowledge. A tiered contingency scheme that includes Government-held, or underwritten but not released, funds would alleviate concerns that future extensions to the Project programme (if any) and DRMs may be insufficiently funded or will be subject to politics.   


  Tiered contingency fund

 6.18 The Independent Experts recommend that, in line with industry practice, MTRCL establishes a tiered contingency management approach. Currently contingencies are solely managed by the PCG and change orders within the GM fund can be authorized by the Engineer’s Representatives. 
 6.19 International experience shows that a tiered contingency fund for publicly financed projects can be highly effective. The specific structure of the contingency fund depends on the characteristics and risks of each project and should be separately negotiated. An example of the international practice, adapted to the context of MTRCL “concession approach” projects, could be structured as follows, for example: 
 i. Project holds the ICCT + 10%, subject to the authority of the PCG; 
 ii. MTRCL holds contingencies up to the P40 level (i.e. contingencies sufficient to ensure that the budget will not overrun with a 40% level of certainty), subject to the authority of Government; and 
 iii. Government holds the remaining contingencies up to the P80 or P90 level (i.e. contingencies sufficient that the budget will not overrun with a 80/90% level of certainty).  


The MTRCL contingency management process works as follows: a project budget is established based on the estimated cost plus an allowance for contingency. This budget is sub-divided into budget headers, which align with the anticipated works contract packages. When a contract is awarded, the budget for that contract is reconciled against the awarded contract sum, this is referred to as the ICCT. Where the contract sum exceeds the budget allowance the difference is drawn from contingency; where the contract sum is less than the budget the difference is returned to contingency. Where it is necessary to increase the ICCT for a given contract, a change form is submitted to the PCG with justifications as to the reasons for the increase, together with details of the quantum. The ICCT plus any approved changes which are funded from contingency are referred to as the current control total. Where there is a potential cost increase that is not yet seen as a commitment, this is referred to as a potential change. The current control total plus potential changes, which are funded from contingency, are referred to as the estimated final cost. 

