2018年7月17日 星期二


「香港年金計劃」將在 7 19 日開始登記認購意向,為期三週。它將對認購的長者帶來長遠影響,儘管政府設置網站解釋,但魔鬼永遠在細節。一個好的公司管治不等於一間好的公司,港鐵就是一個例子。一些有待澄清的細節可能是數十年之後的法治爭拗,台灣的年金改革法案所引起的激烈抗議是另一例子。
 其一,按證公司執行董事余偉文曾向傳媒表示按證公司會包底,所有的媒體都如此報導,“金管局總裁陳德霖昨表示,一旦投資回報達不到年金保證,即介乎 3厘至 4厘的要求,按揭證券公司會負責包底。”,但我們找不到一份官方文件有此承諾。最近的是金管局在75日的新聞稿


The Board is ultimately accountable and responsible for the performance and affairs of the Company.
The internal audit function should operate independently and objectively and may be performed by that of the Companys parent company as a group function. 


However, the drop in mortality at all ages also leads to a larger labour force, which might therefore also increase GDP and pension contributions




如何估算20年後的平均通脹和長者壽命是關鍵的數字。以平均通脹為3%17年後,高額長者生活津貼已超今天一百萬年金回報的$ 5800。所以總有一天,公共年金將成為嘲笑對象。

Due diligence





持有一百萬現金而不參加年金計劃的現年65歲人士,可按每月5800派給自已至80歲。試問,屆時這個政府可以不管一個80歲公民的養老服務嗎? 那時,他還會花錢和照顧自己嗎?  在推出公共年金計劃後,政府還需要對全民的退休計劃提供一個可行和合理的方案,並且落實。





The Board is ultimately accountable and responsible for the performance and affairs of the Company.   Except for the first Directors, all Directors (one or more of whom may be designated to be Executive Directors) should be appointed by the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company.    The system of internal controls has a key role in the management of risks and fulfillment of the Company’s business objectives. A sound system of internal controls contributes to safeguarding shareholders’ investment and the Company’s assets.   External Auditors  Save for the appointment of the first external auditors, appointment of external auditors is a matter for the Audit Committee, subject to endorsement by the Board and final approval by the shareholders in general meeting. 

B.4 External Reporting   Part C –
 Internal Controls and Risk Management
 C.1 Internal Controls and Risk Management Process   The internal audit function should operate independently and objectively and may be performed by that of the Company’s parent company as a group function.    The PBO prohibits, among other things, the abuse of entrusted powers or official position by public servants or agents through the solicitation or acceptance of advantages. The Companys parent company is, and the Company may be, designated as a public body under the PBO. Where the Company is designated as a public body under the PBO, Directors may be regarded as “public servants”3  and come within the definition of “agents” for the purposes of the PBO. Hence, Directors may be subject to the prohibitions under the PBO and should take note of the provisions of the PBO on the acceptance of advantages in particular.   A Director should always consider public perception when accepting an offer of an advantage and ensure that the solicitation or acceptance of any advantages can stand up to public scrutiny and will not bring the Company, the Company’s parent company or any associate company of the Company to disrepute.   Directors should not accept lavish, or unreasonably generous or frequent entertainment, or any entertainment which is likely to give rise to any potential or real conflict of interests, put the Directors under an obligation in the discharge of their duties, compromise their impartiality or judgement, or bring them or the Company, the Company’s parent company or any associate company of the Company into disrepute bearing in mind public perception. 


The 2012 Ageing Report
   Economic and budgetary projections for the 27 EU Member States (2010-2060) 
 Latvia, Poland, Sweden and Norway: The NDC pension systems in Latvia, Poland, Sweden and Norway work on an actuarial basis. At the time of retirement an annuity is calculated by dividing the individual’s account value by a divisor reflecting life expectancy at the specific date of retirement. An increase in life expectancy reduces the annual benefit so that the present value of total expected pension benefits is nearly invariant to changes in the cohort’s remaining life expectancy and the individual’s retirement age.   In general, the individual can counteract the negative effect on the annuity caused by increasing life expectancy by postponing the date of retirement, i.e. strong incentives to prolong the working career 
 Higher life expectancy

 An increase in life expectancy (of 1 year at birth by 2060) would result in a higher level of public pension expenditure. As people live longer, they are receiving pension benefits for a longer time span, which has an increasing spending effect. However, the drop in mortality at all ages also leads to a larger labour force, which might therefore also increase GDP and pension contributions. Assuming higher life expectancy, the increase of the pension-to-GDP ratio in the EU27 on average would be almost +0.3 p.p. (see Graph 2. 15). The lowest reaction to a change in life expectancy is projected for Latvia (+0.1 p.p. of GDP), the strongest effect is recorded for Slovenia (+0.6 p.p.). In general, the size of reaction to life expectancy depends on the scheme design. In countries where the annuity explicitly depends on life expectancy at retirement or where automatic stabilizers of spending are built into the system to compensate for some fiscal imbalances (e.g. the sustainability factors in Germany, Finland, Italy, Portugal and Sweden), the effect seems to be less pronounced. On the contrary, the impact is larger in countries without any adjustment mechanism to life expectancy or with a large level of pension expenditure in 2060.


6. 通貨膨脹風險


