2016年1月30日 星期六

蘇錦樑之不學無術 ─ 個人用戶衍生內容違反國際公約



加拿大的Bill C-11: The Copyright Modernization Act(2012),提出「個人用戶衍生內容」,即用戶改造有版權專利作品的權利。
隨著電腦技術普及,普通用戶會(not cultural producers but cultural consumers)以簡單方法製作短片供朋友間分享或寫博客,當中可能抄襲了享有版權的作品。這類個人用戶的製作被籠統稱之為「個人用戶衍生內容」。
「個人用戶衍生內容」其實可分為三個不同範疇─ 用戶發放的內容、用戶制作的內容和用戶抄襲的內容(content authored by users, content derived by users and content copied by users.)
New section 29.21 of the Act creates a new exception for content generated by non-commercial users (this has been referred to as the “UGC” (user-generated content) or “mash-up exception”). Under this exception, a consumer has the right to use, in a non-commercial context, a publicly available work in order to create a new work. This exception is subject to conditions, namely the identification of the source, the legality of the work or the copy used, and the absence of a substantial adverse effect on the exploitation of the original work.
During hearings on Bill C-32, some witnesses appearing before the committee proposed that the language of the three-step test be incorporated into the Copyright Act, while others suggested that proposed amendments expanding the fair dealing provisions of the Act could violate the three-step test.


39C. 源自使用者的內容
 (1) 在符合以下規定的情況下,任何個人使用已經發表或以其他方式向公眾提供的現有作品或其複製品以創作有版權存在的新作品,及該人(或該人的住户成員在該人授權下)使用該新作品或授權中介人將其發布,並不屬侵犯版權
(a) 使用或授權發布該新作品主要是為非商業的目的﹔
 (b) 如在當時情況下屬合理的話,有提及該現有作品或其複製品的來源,以及如有提供來源的話,有提及其作者、 表演者、製造者或廣播者的名稱﹔
 (c) 該人有合理理由相信該現有作品或其複製品(視情況而定)沒有侵犯版 權;及
 (d) 使用或授權發布該新作品,不會對該現有作品或其複製品的利用或潛在 利用或其現有或潛在市場構成實質、重大的負面影響(不論財務上或 其他方面),包括該新作品不會構成該現有作品的替代品。
  (2) 就第(1)款而言 中介人 (intermediary) 指經常提供空間或 途徑予公眾享用作品的人士或實體; 使用 (use) 指作出任何根據本條例版權擁有人擁有專有權作出(但授權作出任何作為的權利除外)的作為。”。


Legislative Committee on Bill C-32NUMBER 0183rd SESSION 40th PARLIAMENT EVIDENCEThursday, March 10, 2011

1.          處理(即改動原作)的目的;
2.          處理的性質;
3.          處理的比重;
4.          處理的其他途徑;(例如,是否有不需版權的代用物)
5.          原作的本意;(原作是否保密)
6.          對原作的影響。

1.      Purpose of the Dealing
2.      Character of the Dealing
3.      Amount of the Dealing
4.      Alternatives to the Dealing
5.      Nature of the Work
6.      Effect of the Dealing on the Work

The sixth point of the Supreme Court is the effect of dealing on the work. That means that the dealing can't diminish the value of the work. Therefore, this idea that including it under fair dealing wipes out the revenue of artists is absolutely false. The Supreme Court has established this, as has the Berne three-step test.

I think it's safe to assume that the rules established by the Supreme Court of Canada and the Berne three-step test...I'm pretty confident that our educators, our educational facilities, and our provincial governments will follow the law. They have a good record in that regard.

The six-step test for the Supreme Court is well established and is consistent with the spirit and nature of this bill, as is the Berne three-step test.

證人 Mrs. Annie代表Artisti組織認為,新豁免不能通過「三步檢測」。
Mrs. Annie Morin (Director, Artisti):
Furthermore, Artisti is of the view that the proposed new exemptions would not pass the three-step test contained in the international treaties to which Canada is a party.

證人 Mr. Georges ,大學助理系主任,以獨立身份作證,他認為差不多所有人都認為新例不能通過「三步檢測」。他也不認為新例符合「三步檢測」。
Mr. Georges Azzaria (Assistant Dean, Faculty of Law, Laval University of Quebec, As an Individual):
Virtually all stakeholders who have come and talked about the three-step test have said—in any case, I heard a few say it before you—that this wouldn't pass the international test.

The three-step test comes from the Berne Convention, not the WIPO treaties. That's the distinction that has to be drawn. So this three-step test comes from article 9.2 of the Berne Convention and article 13 of the TRIPS Agreement, and thus from the WTO. I don't think the bill is consistent with that.



Bill C-11* received Royal Assent on June 29, 2012, and most of its provisions were brought into force on November 7, 2012. All remaining sections were brought into force by January 2, 2015.

