2015年11月25日 星期三



畢業生議會委員會認為舊生濫用機制,表示要修例。其實,港大在1958年成立畢業生議會的目的就是希望舊生關心港大發展。而舊生聯誼的活動則留給校友會。-("namely: the Alumni Association to foster social intercourse amongst its members, and Convocation being a statutory body to concern itself in the more formal aspect of University polices, etc."  1973年主席發言)。其意思是,畢業生議會應專注大學的政策發展。


畢業生議會成立初期一直受其地位、成員人數、參與積極性等問題困擾。在1960年,議會的第二次會議上,議會討論了兩個議案,分別為會員資格和男女同工同酬。可見,畢業生議會從一開始就關心社會。在1961年的第三次會議上, Sir Douglas Logan 致詞,他的主題仍然是,畢業生議會如何可以在大學事務中發揮功能。(1962年港大副校 Professor Stock 講詞)


議會目前有162千成員。在19691月之前,港大舊生並非直接成為畢業生議會的成員。1957年的大學條例的這一部份為:graduates of the University of such standing as shall be determined by the Council. 它是說,其成員資格需由校委會認為符合一定地位。為此,畢業生議會長期爭取其獨立和擴大會員資格。當年,成員不包括港大的證書和文憑生(今天的大學條例尚不包含這部份)
1966年畢業生議會通過動議, 爭取所有畢業生自動成為會員。 Motion: That it is considered desirable that all graduates of the University should become members of Convocation upon their graduation; and that the University be urged to put this recommendation into effect as soon as possible.


畢業生議會一直苦於其法定角色。This factor refers to the very limited scope conferred on Convocation by the University Statues, resulting in the very restricted type of activates which Convocation can "legally" involve itself in. 因而,畢業生議會在1971年通過議案,要求修改大學條例,擴大畢業生議會的功能。它要求有自己的憲章。當時的畢業生議會只有會議常規( standing order )
1972年,畢業生議會通過其憲章。 The House adopted unanimously the motion" That this House adopts the new Constitution & Rules of Convocation as drafted by the  lawyers and approved by the Standing Committee of Convocation".

1973年主席發言,表示議會過往受著過於簡單和空洞的條例妨礙,議會可以說,沒有任何權力。In the past your Standing Committee was always frustrated by the over-simplification and vagueness of that part of the University Statues which pertained to Convocation. In fact , it was so generalized that it could even be said that the actual powers and authorities of Convocation are either ill-defined or non –existed.

1962年港大副校 Professor Stock 講詞

Professor Stock以畢業生議會的角色、理想及承擔為題在畢業生議會的周年大會發言。他表示,1959年的主席的開場白是,這一命題應不必向在座者演譯,但我相信不是。
他說,當港大畢業生在殖民地享有社會地位時,他們卻不關心母校,畢業生議會好像是為你們而設,不是由你們設立。美國的大學畢業生都認為對母校有義不容辭的責任。Many of the graduates of the University of Hong Kong  now occupy positions of importance and distinction in the Colony and elsewhere…..for example of the Alumni of the great American universities who regard it as a solemn obligation to help their Alma Mater ……In this regard, it is perhaps significant that Convocation was formed for you rather than by you.
他的講話中心是畢業生議會的「(c) 討論任何與大學有關的事宜,包括任何由校董會或教務委員會轉交畢業生議會討論的事宜」,並鼓勵畢業生議會積極參與。(You have a mandate to discuss University affairs; in the words of the Staute " any matter whatsoever relating to the University including any matter referred to it by the Senate or the Court") 值得注意的是他說,教務委員會或校董會,而不是現在的校務委會或校董會。
他的結語是,任何值得做的事都應該認真地做,任何不值得認真地做的,都是不值得去做。If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well. If it is not worth doing well, it is not worth doing at all.

1967年校大副校 James B Gibson 講詞

Mr. James B Gibson 以港大未來為題在畢業生議會的周年大會發言。他同樣地鼓勵畢業生關心和參與港大發展。For Convocation to fulfil its statutory function it must be well informed ……Convocation is not only a point of crystallisation for feelings of old affection but a body through which our graduates can contribute to the vitality of the University and enhance the respect in which it is held m by their lively support.


當年的副校Professor Stock 發言時感嘆,沒有人會喜歡對門可羅雀的會議發言( No speaker is impressed by a half empty hall and poor attendance does not reflect any credit on this University and its Convocation)91 日特別會議當晚有3402人出席, 9,298 投票。現在,港大的多數及社會都發聲反對委任李國章。舊生及教職員要求再次召開特別大會表態,畢業生議會委員會卻認為舊生濫用機制,表示要修例。他們實在不知道前人一直爭取畢業生議會參與港大校政,為母校出力。

