2015年9月28日 星期一

Discussion Summary of Council Meetings & Letter from Dr C H Leong on 27/7

June 25,2013:

(of a post which the HRPC once referred to as an “Associate Provost” at an earlier meeting in June 2013.) - Letter from Dr C H Leong on 27/7

September 24, 2013

The following is a list of matters discussed at the Council meeting held on September 24, 2013:
The Council APPROVED, on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor, that amendments be made to the terms of reference of the Council Committees and its sub-committees, and joint Council and Senate Committees to provide for the engagement of the Executive Vice-President (Administration and Finance)(“the EVP”) in those Committees which works fell under the EVP’s portfolio.

(The Human Resources Policy Committee (HRPC) which is a standing committee of the Council at its meeting in September 2013 recommended the establishment, from the old PVC (Staffing) post, of a post which the HRPC once referred to as an “Associate Provost” at an earlier meeting in June 2013. In making its recommendation in September 2013, it was proposed in the HRPC paper that the DVC would decide on the exact portfolio of the proposed new PVC)- Letter from Dr C H Leong on 27/7

January 28, 2014:

Excluding personnel matters relating to individuals.
(The recommendation of HRPC was accepted by Council in January 2014, noting that there would be a change to the name of the post and “a revised portfolio to assist the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in the areas relating to academic staff” ) - Letter from Dr C H Leong on 27/7

April 29, 2014:

The Council WELCOMED Professor P.W. MATHIESON, the President & Vice-Chancellor, to his first meeting of the Council
The Council HEARD a report from Professor P.W. MATHIESON, President & Vice-Chancellor, on the recent activities of the University including
(a) his activities since assuming the office;
(b) his plan to meet with staff members and students of all Faculties, and to visit the Peking University and Tsinghua University in his forthcoming trip to Beijing; and his ongoing engagement with other stakeholders of the University; and
(c) the assembling of the new Senior Management Team; and with the new team, to refresh the University’s strategies and to enhance the internationalization of the University in a coordinated and focused way through tighter cooperation with the Mainland and the rest of world with strategically chosen partners.

June 24, 2014

11. The Council NOTED that the Chairman of Council had approved, on behalf of the Council, that Professor R.A. GLOFCHESKI, Professor in the Department of Law,  be appointed as a member of the Search Committee for the Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning) under the membership category “A senior academic member appointed by the Council” to replace Professor J.M. CARROLL with immediate effect.
* Excluding personnel matters relating to individuals.
(The name of the post was changed to VP & PVC (Academic Staffing and Resources) in June 2014.) - Letter from Dr C H Leong on 27/7

July 29, 2014

6. The Council
(a) NOTED the extension of the following appointments until December 31, 2014:
(i) Professor R.T.H. CHIN, Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor, as the Acting Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning); and
(ii) Professor P.Y.S. CHEUNG, as Associate Vice-President (Research), and Professor L.G. THAM, as Associate Vice-President (Teaching & Learning); and
(b) APPROVED that the Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellorship appointments of Professor P.K.H. TAM and Professor S.P. CHOW be extended until December 31, 2014.

August 26, 2014:

1. The Council HEARD a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor, on the recent activities of the University including
(c) the progress for the search for suitable appointees to the five Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor positions; and

September 30, 2014:

2. The Council HEARD a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor, on the recent activities of the University including
(d) the progress of the searches for suitable appointees for the five Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor positions,

November 25, 2014:

3. The Council RECEIVED a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor, on the recent activities of the University including
(a) the recent political events in Hong Kong involving HKU students and staff;
(b) the progress of the searches for suitable appointees for the five Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor positions;
(b) HEARD the President & Vice-Chancellor speak to the process and arrangement for the search and selection of the next Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor, in that it was proposed that a Search Committee chaired by himself be set up comprising the Chairman of the Human Resource Policy Committee, a member each from the Council and the Senate, and a student representative;
4. The Council
(a) RESOLVED that
(i) Professor I.M. HOLLIDAY, currently Professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration of the Faculty of Social Sciences of HKU, be appointed as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) for a fixed term of five years, tentatively from January 1, 2015; and
(ii) Mr. D.C.T. SO, Executive Director, Charities in the Hong Kong Jockey Club from 2010 to 2014, be appointed as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Institutional Advancement) for a fixed term of five years, tentatively from March 1, 2015; and

(i) that a Search Committee be set up with the remit of identifying a suitable candidate for appointment as the next Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor; and that a search firm be engaged to facilitate the search; and
(ii) on the recommendation of Chairman, that Professor Edward K.Y. CHEN be invited to serve as a lay member of the Council on the Search Committee; and

December 30, 2014:

1. The Council RECEIVED a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor on the recent activities of the University including
(a) the constitution of the Search Committee for the next Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor and its first meeting;
The Council
(a) APPROVED the extension of the term of appointment of Professor P.K.H. TAM as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) until August 31, 2015 or the arrival of the new Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), whichever was earlier; and
(b) NOTED the extension of the appointment of Professor P.Y.S. CHEUNG as Associate Vice-President (Research) so that his term of appointment was coterminous with that of Professor P.K.H. TAM as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research).

January 27, 2015

February 24, 2015:

The Council
(a) RESOLVED that
(i) Professor Tzi Sum Andy HOR, currently on secondment from the National University of Singapore as the Executive Director of the Institute of Materials Research & Engineering of the Agency for Science, Technology & Research of Singapore, be appointed as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) for a fixed-term of five years, tentatively from September 1, 2015; and
(ii) Professor W. John KAO, Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Pharmacy, Surgery, and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, be appointed as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global) for a fixed-term of five years, tentatively from September 1, 2015; and

March 31, 2015:

April 28, 2015

May 26, 2015

1.                  The Council WELCOMED… Mr. Billy FUNG Jing-en, the undergraduate representative, to their first meeting of the Council

June 30, 2015

3. The Council RECEIVED a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor on the recent activities of the University including
(a) the progress of the search for the new Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor;

(DVC and each PVC are selected by a Search Committee on a global basis. On completion of the task, the Search Committee makes a recommendation to Council which is the appointing body. For the post in question, the Search Committee was only ready to make a recommendation to the Council in June 2015.)

July 28, 2015:

2. The Council RECEIVED a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor on the recent activities of the University including
(a) the Senate’s affirmation, at its meeting of July 7, 2015, of the importance of upholding academic freedom and institutional autonomy which were of the utmost importance for teaching and learning, research, internal and external relationships, and other activities of the University;


