2015年9月30日 星期三


校長馬斐森說,他會盡快成立新的物色委員會。事實上,校長的行政權力是獨立的,他不需要受校委會指派。現在的問題是  未必有教授願意接手這一物色委員會。


筆者查看了網上的校委會從20091月至20157月的共76次會議撮要,它從未使用個否決一詞 ( REJECTED) 。筆者相信,今趟的校委會拒絕物色委員會的建議,開創了港大歷史的紀錄。

February 25, 2014:

 (iii) the setting up of the Search Committees to fill all five Pro-Vice-Chancellor positions and the memberships of these Search Committees, noting that the exact titles of the two newly established/re-established Pro-Vice-Chancellor positions would be reported to the Council when decided; and

March 25, 2014:

3. The Council
 (b) NOTED
(i) that consequent upon the Council’s approval at its meeting of February 25, 2014 of the setting up of Search Committees to fill the five Pro-Vice-Chancellor positions and their membership compositions thereof, the Vice-Chancellor-designate, Professor P.W. MATHIESON had proposed, after due consultation, names of members to fill these Search Committees, and the titles and portfolios of the Pro-Vice-Chancellors;

November 25, 2014:

3. The Council
(a) RESOLVED that
(i) Professor I.M. HOLLIDAY…. be appointed as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning
(ii) Mr. D.C.T. SO, ….. be appointed as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Institutional Advancement) ….

February 24, 2015:

The Council
(a) RESOLVED that
(i) Professor Tzi Sum Andy HOR,…. be appointed as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) ..; and
(ii) Professor W. John KAO,….., be appointed as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global) ..


 筆者在臉書留言,「留在校委會己沒有意義. 初步認為, 所有投贊成的, 除校長外, 應即時辭職, 留下12人與校長開會, 癱瘓這不義的校委會。」


5. 校務委員會會議的法定人數為校務委員的不少於三分之一。 (2003年第186號法律公告)
6. 即使校務委員會出現任何空缺,該會仍可行使其權力,但如在任何時間及只要校務委員人數少於10人,該會即須停止行使其權力。
(f) 按照規例選出的4名全職教師;
(g) 按照規例選出的1名不屬教師的全職大學僱員;
(h) 按照規例選出的1名全日制本科生;及
(i) 按照規例選出的1名全日制研究生。 (2003年第186號法律公告)
若,按照規例選出的全部辭職, 今次事件便下不了台。

關於好友反對的第三點,我們只要看看校委會的會議撮要便知道,它在未來不會有公眾重大關注的討論事項,它的功能其實是,「歡迎、通過、聽取、接收、議決、紀錄、注意、多謝。」“WELCOMED,APPROVED, HEARD, RECEIVED, RESOLVED,RECORDED,NOTED, THANKED
(a) 根據校務委員會的提議,向校監建議對規程中任何一則作出增補、修訂或廢除;


教務委員會( Senate )在今年77日會議上表示院校自主與學術自由極其重要,並向校委會( Council )提交報告備案。這一做法十分不尋常。因為,維護院校自主與學術自由不是它的職權。它反而是校委會本身的職權。
教委會的行動早於港大校友關注組在712日的成立,因而,港大的教授明白到今次事件關係重大。筆者估計,這也開創了港大的歷史 教委會首次以此方式對校自主與學術自由表態。
July 28, 2015:
2. The Council RECEIVED a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor on the recent activities of the University including
(a) the Senate’s affirmation, at its meeting of July 7, 2015, of the importance of upholding academic freedom and institutional autonomy which were of the utmost importance for teaching and learning, research, internal and external relationships, and other activities of the University;






(6)    呈請書提交後,如有議員即時起立,要求將呈請書交付專責委員會處理,立法會主席即須請支持此項要求的議員起立;如有不少於20名議員起立,呈請書即告交付專責委員會處理。


(e) 討論任何校董所提出有關大學整體政策的任何動議;
As such, the Court would be comparable to the Annual General Meeting of a business corporation or a non-profit organization. However, the arrangement of the annual Court meeting in December each year does not seem to give the Court its due respect and recognition. The Court meeting was usually conducted in haste within an hour; with the Vice-Chancellor making a general progress report of the University in that year which lasted from half an hour to forty –five minutes. The remaining time was almost all spent on the routine approval of the audited accounts and the making, repeal or amendments of statues. Little or no time was allows for questions to be raised or comments to be made by Court members, and the meeting was hastily ended so that the Pro-Chancellor, the University Offices, and some of the Court members could rush to attend the ensuing functions like the University Fellowship Award Ceremony.




no meeting shall be held before the expiration of three months from the date of the last meeting convened for substantially the same purposes.


筆者認為梁智鴻將卸任,李國章才是事件的策劃人。事至如今,作為反擊,民主派的態度應該是 不能以小惡而不為(在制度內),應該全面開動機器,集中打擊李國章,就算不能踢走李國章,也要向他的屁股踢一腳。



2015年9月28日 星期一




教務委員會( Senate )在今年77日會議上表示院校自主與學術自由極其重要,並向校委會( Council )提交報告備案。這一做法十分不尋常。因為,維護院校自主與學術自由不是它的職權。它反而是校委會本身的職權。
July 28, 2015:
2. The Council RECEIVED a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor on the recent activities of the University including
(a) the Senate’s affirmation, at its meeting of July 7, 2015, of the importance of upholding academic freedom and institutional autonomy which were of the utmost importance for teaching and learning, research, internal and external relationships, and other activities of the University;

行事守則  公開性

Proper Conduct of Public Business
4.3 The Council is entrusted with funds, … and wherever possible following a policy of openness and transparency in the dissemination of all decisions.
Openness. Holders of public office…. should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
根據校委會的行事守則,當重大公眾關注時,校委會不單有需要向公眾解釋,還應披露受限制資料。但反觀今次校委會在處理副校(陳文敏被推薦一職)委任時,基本上全部列入被限制資料(restricted matters)


『校委會屬下的人力資源政策委員會於 2013 9月的會議,在審視大學管理層情況下,認爲需重設於同年 6月會議中提出的「副校長」一職協助首席副校長, 並提交文件建議其具體職務範圍需由首席副校長決定。 校委會 2014 1月接納建議, 亦留意到該職位將更改銜,以及「更新職務範圍以協助首席副校長處理學術事宜」。[詳見 2014 1 28 日校委會會議記錄 。另,該職位的銜於 2014 6月改為副校長 (學術人力資源 )]


校委會每月才開會一次,每次約一兩小時,它的實際運作並非如彭泓基所說的老闆模式。它將大部份決策的具體考慮下放給其屬下的委員會,在今次事件中就是物識委員會(Search Committee)
1. The Council WELCOMED….
2. The Council HEARD…….
3. The Council RECEIVED ….. and NOTED…..
4. The Council APPROVED……
5. The Council
(b) NOTED….
(c) THANKED ……
6. The Council APPROVED……
7. The Council APPROVED….
* Excluding personnel matters relating to individuals.



(c) the assembling of the new Senior Management Team; and with the new team, to refresh the University’s strategies and to enhance the internationalization of the University in a coordinated and focused way through tighter cooperation with the Mainland and the rest of world with strategically chosen partners.




Discussion Summary of Council Meetings & Letter from Dr C H Leong on 27/7

June 25,2013:
(of a post which the HRPC once referred to as an “Associate Provost” at an earlier meeting in June 2013.) - Letter from Dr C H Leong on 27/7

September 24, 2013
The following is a list of matters discussed at the Council meeting held on September 24, 2013:
The Council APPROVED, on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor, that amendments be made to the terms of reference of the Council Committees and its sub-committees, and joint Council and Senate Committees to provide for the engagement of the Executive Vice-President (Administration and Finance)(“the EVP”) in those Committees which works fell under the EVP’s portfolio.

(The Human Resources Policy Committee (HRPC) which is a standing committee of the Council at its meeting in September 2013 recommended the establishment, from the old PVC (Staffing) post, of a post which the HRPC once referred to as an “Associate Provost” at an earlier meeting in June 2013. In making its recommendation in September 2013, it was proposed in the HRPC paper that the DVC would decide on the exact portfolio of the proposed new PVC)- Letter from Dr C H Leong on 27/7

January 28, 2014:
Excluding personnel matters relating to individuals.
(The recommendation of HRPC was accepted by Council in January 2014, noting that there would be a change to the name of the post and “a revised portfolio to assist the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in the areas relating to academic staff” ) - Letter from Dr C H Leong on 27/7

April 29, 2014:
The Council WELCOMED Professor P.W. MATHIESON, the President & Vice-Chancellor, to his first meeting of the Council
The Council HEARD a report from Professor P.W. MATHIESON, President & Vice-Chancellor, on the recent activities of the University including
(a) his activities since assuming the office;
(b) his plan to meet with staff members and students of all Faculties, and to visit the Peking University and Tsinghua University in his forthcoming trip to Beijing; and his ongoing engagement with other stakeholders of the University; and
(c) the assembling of the new Senior Management Team; and with the new team, to refresh the University’s strategies and to enhance the internationalization of the University in a coordinated and focused way through tighter cooperation with the Mainland and the rest of world with strategically chosen partners.
June 24, 2014
11. The Council NOTED that the Chairman of Council had approved, on behalf of the Council, that Professor R.A. GLOFCHESKI, Professor in the Department of Law,  be appointed as a member of the Search Committee for the Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning) under the membership category “A senior academic member appointed by the Council” to replace Professor J.M. CARROLL with immediate effect.
* Excluding personnel matters relating to individuals.
(The name of the post was changed to VP & PVC (Academic Staffing and Resources) in June 2014.) - Letter from Dr C H Leong on 27/7

July 29, 2014
6. The Council
(a) NOTED the extension of the following appointments until December 31, 2014:
(i) Professor R.T.H. CHIN, Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor, as the Acting Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning); and
(ii) Professor P.Y.S. CHEUNG, as Associate Vice-President (Research), and Professor L.G. THAM, as Associate Vice-President (Teaching & Learning); and
(b) APPROVED that the Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellorship appointments of Professor P.K.H. TAM and Professor S.P. CHOW be extended until December 31, 2014.

August 26, 2014:
1. The Council HEARD a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor, on the recent activities of the University including
(c) the progress for the search for suitable appointees to the five Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor positions; and
September 30, 2014:
2. The Council HEARD a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor, on the recent activities of the University including
(d) the progress of the searches for suitable appointees for the five Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor positions,

November 25, 2014:
3. The Council RECEIVED a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor, on the recent activities of the University including
(a) the recent political events in Hong Kong involving HKU students and staff;
(b) the progress of the searches for suitable appointees for the five Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor positions;
(b) HEARD the President & Vice-Chancellor speak to the process and arrangement for the search and selection of the next Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor, in that it was proposed that a Search Committee chaired by himself be set up comprising the Chairman of the Human Resource Policy Committee, a member each from the Council and the Senate, and a student representative;
4. The Council
(a) RESOLVED that
(i) Professor I.M. HOLLIDAY, currently Professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration of the Faculty of Social Sciences of HKU, be appointed as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) for a fixed term of five years, tentatively from January 1, 2015; and
(ii) Mr. D.C.T. SO, Executive Director, Charities in the Hong Kong Jockey Club from 2010 to 2014, be appointed as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Institutional Advancement) for a fixed term of five years, tentatively from March 1, 2015; and

(i) that a Search Committee be set up with the remit of identifying a suitable candidate for appointment as the next Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor; and that a search firm be engaged to facilitate the search; and
(ii) on the recommendation of Chairman, that Professor Edward K.Y. CHEN be invited to serve as a lay member of the Council on the Search Committee; and

December 30, 2014:
1. The Council RECEIVED a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor on the recent activities of the University including
(a) the constitution of the Search Committee for the next Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor and its first meeting;
The Council
(a) APPROVED the extension of the term of appointment of Professor P.K.H. TAM as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) until August 31, 2015 or the arrival of the new Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), whichever was earlier; and
(b) NOTED the extension of the appointment of Professor P.Y.S. CHEUNG as Associate Vice-President (Research) so that his term of appointment was coterminous with that of Professor P.K.H. TAM as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research).

January 27, 2015

February 24, 2015:
The Council
(a) RESOLVED that
(i) Professor Tzi Sum Andy HOR, currently on secondment from the National University of Singapore as the Executive Director of the Institute of Materials Research & Engineering of the Agency for Science, Technology & Research of Singapore, be appointed as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) for a fixed-term of five years, tentatively from September 1, 2015; and
(ii) Professor W. John KAO, Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Pharmacy, Surgery, and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, be appointed as Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global) for a fixed-term of five years, tentatively from September 1, 2015; and

March 31, 2015:
April 28, 2015

May 26, 2015
1.     The Council WELCOMED… Mr. Billy FUNG Jing-en, the undergraduate representative, to their first meeting of the Council

June 30, 2015
3. The Council RECEIVED a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor on the recent activities of the University including
(a) the progress of the search for the new Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor;

(DVC and each PVC are selected by a Search Committee on a global basis. On completion of the task, the Search Committee makes a recommendation to Council which is the appointing body. For the post in question, the Search Committee was only ready to make a recommendation to the Council in June 2015.)

July 28, 2015:
2. The Council RECEIVED a report from the President & Vice-Chancellor on the recent activities of the University including
(a) the Senate’s affirmation, at its meeting of July 7, 2015, of the importance of upholding academic freedom and institutional autonomy which were of the utmost importance for teaching and learning, research, internal and external relationships, and other activities of the University;