該等該等藍色顆粒由兩種鹼式碳酸銅組成,但非無害。它被“化學品全球調和制度” (GHS) 定為有害,服後有害,容器標籤為“警告”;美國國家職業安全衛生研究所(NIOSH)的容忍程度為TWA
1 mg/m3。它雖然不在水溶,但在胃酸中可溶解(註1)。
These green basic copper carbonate
crystal particles are formed with a diameter of 5.0~6.5 μm, when the
temperature keeps about 50 ºC , pH is about 7.0~7.5, and to react for 6h.
2 For the stagnation test, it was
conducted by first thoroughly flushing the water supply chain for 15 hours.
Water then remained stagnant in the water supply chain and water samples were
taken at 0 hour, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 24 hours
and 48 hours for determining the lead contents
If a temporary water supply is
used recurrently, it is essential to fully flush the entire system with water
containing a higher than normal disinfectant residual before restarting. When
In addition, the system should be disinfected and flushed after maintenance or
repairs, and the microbiological quality of the water should be checked,
preferably before the system is returned to service.
Basic copper carbonate is a chemical compound, more properly
called copper(II) carbonate hydroxide. It is an ionic compound (a salt)
consisting of the ions copper(II) Cu2+ , carbonate CO2− 3, and hydroxide HO− .
Sometimes the name is used for Cu 3(CO 3)2(OH)2, a blue crystalline solid also
known as the mineral azurite. It too has been used as pigment, sometimes under
the name mountain blue or blue verditer.
Other names copper carbonate hydroxide, cupric carbonate, copper
carbonate Both malachite and azurite can be found in the verdigris patina that
is found on weathered brass, bronze, and coppe Both malachite and azurite basic
copper carbonates have been used as pigments
It has also been used in some types of make-up, like lipstick, although
it can also be toxic to humans
Basic copper carbonate is decomposed by acids, such as
solutions of hydrochloric acid HCl, into the copper(II) salt and carbon
Hazard statements
form part of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of
Chemicals (GHS). They are intended to form a set of standardized phrases about
the hazards of chemical substances and mixtures that can be translated into
different languages.[1][2] As such, they serve the same purpose as the
well-known R-phrases, which they are intended to replace.
H302: Harmful if swallowed
H315: Causes skin irritation
H319: Causes serious eye irritation
H335: May cause respiratory irritation
GHS07: Harmful
Acute toxicity (oral, dermal, inhalation), category 4
Skin irritation, categories 2, 3
Eye irritation, category 2A
Skin sensitization, category 1
Specific target organ toxicity following single exposure,
category 3
Respiratory tract irritation
Narcotic effects
Not used[3]
with the "skull and crossbones" pictogram
for skin or eye irritation if:
the "corrosion" pictogram also appears
the "health hazard" pictogram is used to indicate
respiratory sensitization
P261: Avoid breathing dust/fumes/gas/mist/vapours/spray. [As
modified by IV ATP]
P305+351+338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for
several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do – continue
For chemicals, the chemical regulation is usually expressed
in parts per million (ppm), or sometimes in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3).
Units of measure for physical agents such as noise are specific to the agent.
TWA 1 mg/m3 (as Cu)
The composition of the patina can vary, in a maritime
environment depending on the environment a basic chloride may be present, in an
urban environment basic sulfates may be present.[3]
日 期: 2017年5月19日(星期五)
時 間: 上午10時45分
地 點: 立法會綜合大樓會議室2
條: 14 消防供水系統及內部供水系統的建造等
(1) 除第(2)款另有規定外,任何人除非獲得水務監督書面許可,否則不得建造、安裝、更改或移動消防供水系統或內部供水系統。
“(1) 除第(2) 款另有規定外,除非水務監督已對消防供水系統或內部供水系統的建造、安裝、更改或拆除,給予書面許可,否則任何人不得進行該項建造、安裝、更改或拆除。
(1A) 任何人違反第(1) 款,即屬犯罪。
(2) 如水務監督認為消防供水系統或內部供水系統的更改性質輕微,則可免除第(1)款取得許可的規定。
(2A) 上述書面許可,可由水務監督主動給予,亦可由水務監督應持牌水喉匠的申請而給予。
(3) 消防供水系統或內部供水系統的建造或安裝須按訂明的方式進行,而該消防供水系統或內部供水系統的喉管及裝置的性質、大小及品質須與所訂明者相同。
(4) 任何人違反第(1)或(3)款的規定,即屬犯罪。
“(4) 如就消防供水系統(
(a) 如該項建造或安裝,是在某人的指示及督導下進行的——該人;
(b) 進行該項建造或安裝的人( 不論該人是否在另一人的指示及督導下,進行該項建造或安裝);
(c) 如根據第(2A) 款對該項建造或安裝給予的書面許可,是應某持牌水喉匠的申請而給予的,而該水喉匠並非(a)
(5) 被控犯第(4) 款所訂罪行的人,如證明以下事項,即為免責辯護——
(a) 如屬第(4)(a) 或(c) 款所述的人——該人已採取所有合理步驟,確保進行該項建造或安裝不會違反第(3)
(b) 如屬第(4)(b) 款所述的人——
(6) 凡第(4)(a) 款所述的人,沒有按合理頻密程度(
(7) 有關事宜是——
(a) 有關工程的性質;
(b) 有關工程涉及的風險;及
(c) 進行有關工程的人的知識及經驗。”。
(2) 款另有規定外,並非指定人士的人,不得進行指明水管工程。”。
(2)水務監督認為是性質輕微的消防供水系統或內部供水系統的更改或修理工作, “可由並非指定人士的人進行。”或水龍頭的更換墊圈工作,可由不屬持牌水喉匠的人或不屬水務監督授權的公職人員的人進行。
(3)除第(2)款另有規定外,任何人 ——
“(3) 任何人違反第
(1) 款,即屬犯罪。
(4) 任何人僱用或准許並非指定人士的人,進行指明水管工程,即屬犯罪。
(5) 被控犯第 (4) 款所訂罪行的人
(a) 被告人相信,進行有關指明水管工程的人是指定人士;及
(b) 被告人相信該情況,屬合理之舉。
(6) 在本條中——
指定人士 (designated person) 指——
(a) 持牌水喉匠;
(b) 註冊水喉技工;
(c) 註冊水喉技工 ( 臨時 );
(d) 在持牌水喉匠或註冊水喉技工的指示及督導下進行指明水管工程的人;或
(e) 水務監督授權的公職人員。”。
“15A. 進入非住用處所及提問等的權力
(1) 獲授權人員可於任何合理時間——
(a) 進入任何非住用處所,以確定是否有人正在或曾經在違反第 15 條的情況下,於該處所進行指明水管工程;或
(b) 進入任何其他非住用處所,以行使 (a) 段賦予的權力。
(2) 獲授權人員根據第 (1)(a) 款進入任何處所後,可行使任何或所有以下權力——
(a) 對該處所及該處所的消防供水系統或內部供水系統,拍攝照片;
(b) 要求於該處所發現的人,回答關於以下事宜的問題——
(i) 該人是否正於或曾經於該處所,進行指明水管工程;及
(ii) 該人是否持牌水喉匠、註冊水喉技工或註冊水喉技工
( 臨時 ) (合資格人士 );
(c) 如於該處所發現的人,表示自己是合資格人士——
(i) 要求該人出示證明文件,以支持該表述;或
(ii) 如該人不能即時出示該證明文件——要求該人在該人員規定的合理限期內,在該人員規定的地點,出示該證明文件;
(d) 如於該處所發現的人,表示自己並非合資格人士——
(i) 要求該人回答關於以下事宜的問題:該人是否正於或曾經於該處所,在持牌水喉匠或註冊水喉技工的指示及督導下,進行指明水管工程;及
(ii) 如該人對該問題的答案為 “是” ——要求該人將給予指示及督導的人的姓名及聯絡方法,提供予該人員;
(e) 該人員如合理地懷疑,有人正於或曾經於該處所違反第 15 條——要求於該處所發現的人,向該人員提供任何符合以下描述的資料——
(i) 該人員合理地相信,該資料攸關確定是否有人正在或曾經違反第
15 條;及
(ii) 該人員合理地相信,該人知悉該資料;
(f) 該人員如合理地懷疑,於該處所發現的人,正在或曾經違反第 15 條,則在將可能構成有關涉嫌違例事項的作為或不作為告知該人後——
(i) 於一段合理時間內,將該人扣留於該處所內,以就該涉嫌違例事項,作進一步查訊;及
(ii) 要求該人向該人員提供該人的姓名、地址、電話號碼、身分證明,以及該人員合理地需要的其他個人詳情。
(3) 任何人不遵從根據第 (2) 款提出的要求,即屬犯罪。
(4) 任何人作出任何在要項上屬虛假或具誤導性的陳述,或提供任何在要項上屬虛假或具誤導性的資料,以充作遵從根據第
(2) 款提出的要求,即屬犯罪。
(5) 被控犯第 (3) 款所訂罪行的人,如證明在有關指控罪行發生時,該人對不遵從有關要求一事,有合理辯解,即為免責辯護。
(6) 被控犯第 (4)
(7) 本條賦予的權力,是增補而非減損第 12 條賦予的權力。
(8) 在本條中——
安老院 (home for elderly persons) 指《安 老 院 條 例》(
) 第 2 條界定的安老院;
非住用處所 (non-domestic premises) 指並非作供人居住之用的處所
( 而作供人居住之用的處所,包括作以下用途的處所:酒店、旅館、附服務設施寓所、集體寢室、安老院、殘疾人士院舍、幼兒中心、托兒所,或相類的處所
殘疾人士院舍 (home for persons with
disabilities) 指《殘疾人士院舍條例》( 第 613 章 ) 第
2 條界定的殘疾人士院舍;獲授權人員 (authorized officer) 指水務監督或水務監督以書面授權的公職人員。”。
條例草案第 3 及 12 條建議修訂第
102 章第 2 條,以及
在第 102 章加入新訂附表,以訂明註冊水喉技工及註冊水喉技
583 章) 註冊為下
述技工的人:屬新訂附表所指明 工種分項 的相關註冊 熟練技
時 )。 根 據 擬 在 第
102 章加入的新訂第 38A 條 , 發展局局長
1 章)
第 34 條作出修訂。
[ 第 2 及 38A 條 ]
註冊水喉技工及註冊水喉技工 ( 臨時 )
第 1 部
1. 就建造、安裝、保養、更改、修理或拆除消防供水系統而言,或就安裝水錶而言,根據《建造業工人註冊條例》(
583 章 ) 註冊為下述技工的人——
(a) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊熟練技工;
(b) 屬地渠及喉管工
( 全科 ) 工種分項的註冊熟練技工;
(c) 屬消防設備技工 ( 全科 ) 工種分項的註冊熟練技工;
(d) 屬消防機械裝配工工種分項的註冊熟練技工;
(e) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工;或
(f) 屬消防機械裝配工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工。
2. 就建造、安裝、保養、更改、修理或拆除內部供水系統而言,根據《建造業工人註冊條例》(
583 章 ) 註冊為下述技工的人——
(a) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊熟練技工;
(b) 屬地渠及喉管工 ( 全科 ) 工種分項的註冊熟練技工;或
(c) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工。
第 2 部
註冊水喉技工 ( 臨時 )
1. 就建造、安裝、保養、更改、修理或拆除消防供水系統而言,或就安裝水錶而言,根據《建造業工人註冊條例》(
583 章 ) 註冊為下述技工的人——
(a) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊熟練技工
( 臨時 );
(b) 屬地渠及喉管工 ( 全科 ) 工種分項的註冊熟練技工
( 臨時 );
(c) 屬消防機械裝配工工種分項的註冊熟練技工 ( 臨時
(d) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工 ( 臨時 );或
(e) 屬消防機械裝配工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工( 臨時
2. 就建造、安裝、保養、更改、修理或拆除內部供水系統而言,根據《建造業工人註冊條例》(
583 章 ) 註冊為下述技工的人——
(a) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊熟練技工 ( 臨時 );
(b) 屬地渠及喉管工 ( 全科 ) 工種分項的註冊熟練技工
( 臨時 );或
(c) 屬水喉工工種分項的註冊半熟練技工 ( 臨時 )。”。
條: 13 公眾街喉
E.R. 1 of 2017 15/02/2017
(1) 水務監督可在任何地方設置公眾街喉,無須收費而向公眾人士供水。
(2) 除獲水務監督書面許可外,任何人不得在公眾街喉取水作住宅用途以外的任何用途。
(3) 任何人違反第(2)款的規定,即屬犯罪。
13A. 指明水管工程的涵義
指明水管工程(specified plumbing works) 指建造、安裝、保養、更改、修理或拆除消防供水系統或內部供水系統。
13B. 何謂“在指示及督導下進行指明水管工程”
(a) 該人在該督導者決定的工作範圍內,按該督導者的指示,進行該指明水管工程;及
(b) 進行該指明水管工程的方法及方式,由該督導者指明。”。
條: 36 逮捕的權力
E.R. 1 of 2017 15/02/2017
(1) 任何由水務監督以書面授權為其代表的公職人員,可逮捕任何他有合理理由懷疑曾犯第29(1)(e)、30、31或32條所訂罪行的人。
(2) 凡公職人員根據第(1)款逮捕任何人,須隨即將該人帶往最近的警署,移交警務人員羈押,而《警隊條例》(第232章)第52條須即時適用。
“36A. 檢控時限
(1) 凡水務監督於某日發現或知悉違反本條例的情況,就該違例事項而提出的檢控,可於在該日翌日開始的6
(2) 本條不適用於在《2017 年水務設施( 修訂)
年第 號) 實施日期前發生的違例事項。”。
註冊水喉技工及註冊水喉技工( 臨時)
第1 部
Report of the Task
Force on
Investigation of
Excessive Lead Content in Drinking Water
October 2015
an individual flat in Hong Ching House and Yuet Ching House
of KCE and Luen Yat House of KLE2 respectively
and preserved by
acidifying with high-purity concentrated nitric acid to pH less than two before
delivering to the laboratory for testing of the four metals by the Inductively
Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)5. 2.4.4 The testing by ICP-MS was
based on the United States Environmental Protection Agency Method 200.8. Each
water sample was analysed by five measurements in accordance with the instrument
setting. Each measurement was performed by repeating the signal measuring
procedures for three times. The result of the respective metal content was
calculated by taking the average of the five measurements.
2.4.7 The estimated
measurement uncertainties (MU) of the testing results for lead, chromium,
cadmium and nickel were ±7%, ±7%, ±8% and ±8% respectively at 95% confidence
level. For example, if the test result of lead content in a water sample was
0.1mg/L, the result would be within the range of 0.1 ± 0.07mg/L after taking
into consideration of MU of the test.
2.8.2 Reaction of
lead ions with carbonate ions and hydroxide ions in water may form insoluble
lead carbonates or lead hydroxides at or near the surfaces where lead ions are
released due to the low solubilities of the carbonates and hydroxides and the
relatively higher concentrations of the lead ions under stagnant conditions.
The insoluble compounds may deposit locally or be drifted downstream and
deposit on other surfaces in contact as alien matters. The formation of lead
compounds was identified by Galvanic corrosion is an electrochemical process in
which one metal has a greater tendency to lose electrons than another. There
are three essential components for galvanic corrosion: two dissimilar metals in
electrical contact with one metal as an anode and the other as a cathode, and a
medium for ions to move around, i.e. an electrolyte medium. 22 analysis of the
deposits cleansed from some of the components of the water supply chains. The
test results shown in Annex 2.5 indicated the presence of lead compounds in the
deposits which could also release lead into the drinking water by dissolution
as lead ions and by suspension as small particles of lead compounds from the
deposits. Figure 2.8 (a)-(c) illustrates the process of formation of lead
containing deposits and release of lead into drinking water from the deposits.
2.12.2 For the
stagnation test, it was conducted by first thoroughly flushing the water supply
chain for 15 hours. Water then remained stagnant in the water supply chain and
water samples were taken at 0 hour, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours,
8 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours for determining the lead contents. 2.12.3
Immediately after the 48-hour stagnation test, the flushing test was carried
out by taking water samples after flushing for 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes,
4 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 30 minutes. The results of the stagnation
and flushing tests are summarised in Annex 2.8
(a) According to
the results of stagnation and flushing tests conducted by the Task Force, the
heavy metal contents in water will increase with its stagnation time in the
water supply chain if there is leaching of heavy metals from its components. In
addition, the test results also indicate that the heavy metal contents in the
stagnated water can be reduced substantially after flushing for about two
minutes. Therefore, if water has been standing in pipes for a long time (for
instance, after several hours of non-use, overnight, over a weekend or after a
holiday), the tap should be run for two minutes or longer before using it for
drinking or food preparation in order to avoid high concentration of lead in
the stagnated water. The flushed water could be saved and used for purposes
other than drinking and cooking.
(b) The Authorised
Person (AP)17 and the Licensed Plumber (LP)18 needed to submit a list of pipes
and terminal fittings to be installed in the inside services to WA before
commencement19 of construction.
Guidelines for Drinking-water
World Health
Organization 2011
1.2.10 Plumbing
Significant adverse health effects have been associated with
inadequate plumbing systems within public and private buildings arising from
poor design, incorrect installation, alterations and inadequate maintenance.
For some materials
(e.g. domestic plumbing), assumptions must also account for the relatively high
release of some substances for a short period following installation
Important control
measures during dismantling and transport of installations include emptying
hoses, preferably drying them and storing them so that ingress of contamination
is avoided. In all cases, the materials should be approved for use in contact
with potable water
If a temporary
water supply is used recurrently, it is essential to fully flush the entire
system with water containing a higher than normal disinfectant residual before
restarting. When
In addition, the
system should be disinfected and flushed after maintenance or repairs, and the
microbiological quality of the water should be checked, preferably before the
system is returned to service.
minimization of
dead ends and areas of stagnation, which may be managed by periodic flushing;
concentrations in drinking-water vary widely, with the primary source most
often being the corrosion of interior copper plumbing. Levels in running or
fully flushed water tend to be low, whereas those in standing or partially
flushed water samples are more variable and can be substantially higher (frequently
above 1 mg/l). Copper concentrations in treated water often increase during
distribution, especially in systems with an acid pH or high-carbonate waters
with an alkaline pH
Preparation of Basic Copper Carbonate Microspheres by
Precipitation Method DU Ying-ji1,a ,WANG Li-xian1,b* ,GUO De-hua1,c ,MA
Zhu-qiang2 ,SHEN Long2 1 Shanghai Institute of Technology, 100 Haiquan Road,
Shanghai 201418, China 2 Shanghai Rongjian Chemical Plant, 269 Chuhua Road,
shanghai 201400, China a email:18721526780@163.com, b email:wlx@sit.edu.cn, c
email:guodehua2015@163.com Key words: basic copper carbonate; microspheres;
particle size; cupric oxide.
Basic copper
carbonate [Cu2(OH)2CO3]with sphere-like morphology had been prepared via a
direct precipitation route by controlled reaction conditions. Crude materials
were cupric chloride solution and sodium carbonate solution. The factors like
reaction temperature and reaction pH were studied. Scanning electron
microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction, and Fourier transmission infrared
spectrometry are used to characterize morphologies, crystal form and structure
of the obtained malachite samples, respectively. The result shows: The obtained
product is sphere-like malachite. These green basic copper carbonate crystal
particles are formed with a diameter of 5.0~6.5 μm, when the temperature keeps
about 50 ºC , pH is about 7.0~7.5, and to react for 6h. And it promotes the
crystallization of amorphous basic copper carbonate by adding malachite seeds.
Cupric oxide can be obtained with the pyrolysis of as-prepared malachite
microspheres, and the microspheres and surface microstructures of the malachite
are preserved.