2018年12月7日 星期五


在美國中期選舉的牽起巨浪的干預大選的臉書事件中, Cambridge Analytica 的前分析員Christopher Wylie 解釋了,選舉工程大致可理解為,首先找出一條落地的選舉議題,然後再找最容易受到影響的一群選民,集中地向他們遊說。這就是“Targeting vulnerability ”的意思。
筆者在今次的選舉觀察是:親中派的背後智囊的重點宣傳不是攻擊泛民的不是,不是宣傳陳凱欣如何美好,而是宣揚一種最毒的信念 ── 投票無用,立法會無用。它們甚至不介意親中派跌票。


泛民的一個問題是只會煽情和將社會問題簡單化。這手法只有在民主上升期有效,可是我們預見泛民面臨著一個小冰河時期。例如今次九西補選,李卓人團隊的宣傳口號為“背水一戰”、“最關鍵的一席”。當李卓人落選後,網上立即出現一種論述 ── 既然修改議事規則的把關一席輸了,下來的議席不是不重要了嗎?

2018年12月5日 星期三


中美貿易戰所以為貿易戰,顧名思義是一場對弈,必然有真真假假。最新的一站是中美達成90天的協議。中國方面答允購買大批美國農產品,美國則押後裁決其增加關稅決定。增加關稅25%不是美國搞出來的嗎?咁即係中國出真金白銀,美國出口術,咁都可以被中國說為談判結果,中國阿Q精神永存。《 人民日報 》在123日的頭版報導“習近平同美國總統特朗普舉行會晤”一句不提90天冷靜期!災難!

我在11 23日的文章談到,“生意人不會永遠將其主要生意伙伴拒之門外。特朗普是生意佬,貿易是否公平是可以談判的,偷技術則無得傾。”看來我說對了。香港人有時將自己無限擴大,政見掛帥,將抗共希望放在特普朗身上。
另有些文章認為,“美擬管制14項技術出口比加關稅更勁”,不知所謂。事源美國商務部制定限制出口技術是聯邦法律規定(Federal Regulations ),它需要對一些新興技術進行公開諮詢,以決定如何限制其出口。美國的現有需要申請特別許可的高科技產品出口有77頁,774 。更新只是美國國內政策的恒常工作。美國的限制出口名單列出了全球所有國家。對中國的限制理由為:防生化武器的三個理由全中,防核擴散的二個理由中了一個,國土安全的全中,導彈技術的全中,地區穩定的全中,國際軍火協議的冇,控制犯罪的3項中2項,反恐的冇。這個限制要求與對香港的完全一樣。都是3,1,2,1,2,0,2,0。即是美國佬早就知道高科技賣給香港與賣給中共無異。


中美之間的民間技術轉移(export of dual-use and less sensitive military items through the Export )是根據美國商務部和中國商務部在2011年在中國成都的第22中美商貿聯委會JCCT)上簽訂的“中美關鍵性高技術貿易合作計劃” (U.S.-China High Technology Trade Key Sectors Cooperation Action Plan)達成協議。
This understanding will be implemented and coordinated by the U.S.-China High Technology and Strategic Trade Working Group (HTWG) which was established in 2006 as a working group under the JCCT. The HTWG is co-chaired by the Bureau of Industry and Security and MOFCOM.


The representative general categories of technology for which Commerce currently seeks to determine whether there are specific emerging technologies that are essential to the national security of the United States include:
(1) Biotechnology, such as:
(2) Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology, such as:
(i) Neural networks and deep learning (e.g., brain modelling, time series prediction, classification);
(ii) Evolution and genetic computation (e.g., genetic algorithms, genetic programming);
(iv) Computer vision (e.g., object recognition, image understanding);
(v) Expert systems (e.g., decision support systems, teaching systems);
(vi) Speech and audio processing (e.g., speech recognition and production);
(vii) Natural language processing (e.g., machine translation);
(ix) Audio and video manipulation technologies (e.g., voice cloning, deepfakes);
(x) AI cloud technologies; or
(xi) AI chipsets.
(3) Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) technology.
(4) Microprocessor technology, such as:
(i) Systems-on-Chip (SoC); or
(5) Advanced computing technology, such as:
(6) Data analytics technology, such as:
(i) Visualization;
(ii) Automated analysis algorithms; or
(iii) Context-aware computing.
(7) Quantum information and sensing technology, such as
(i) Quantum computing;
(ii) Quantum encryption; or
(iii) Quantum sensing.
(8) Logistics technology, such as:
(i) Mobile electric power;
(ii) Modeling and simulation;
(9) Additive manufacturing (e.g., 3D printing);
(10) Robotics such as:
(i) Micro-drone and micro-robotic systems;
(vi) Smart Dust.
(i) Neural-controlled interfaces;
(ii) Mind-machine interfaces;
(iv) Brain-machine interfaces.
(12) Hypersonics, such as:
(i) Flight control algorithms;
(ii) Propulsion technologies;
(iii) Thermal protection systems; or
(iv) Specialized materials (for structures, sensors, etc.).
(13) Advanced Materials, such as:
(ii) Functional textiles (e.g., advanced fiber and fabric technology); or
(14) Advanced surveillance technologies, such as:
Faceprint and voiceprint technologies.

1.    生物技術
2.    人工智能和深度學習
3.   高精度的定位、導航和計時技術
4.   芯片上整合電腦
5. 先進電腦技術
6. 資料分析技術
7. 量子科技
9. 層疊式製造 (3D 印刷)
它包括掌上或指上的航拍機和機械人;蜂擁結構機械人,即每部機械人可以識別並定位彼此以提供真正的蜂群效應。 它們不依賴集中控制系統,但可以個別不斷調整和重新配置,彼此保持在預定義的距離內以完成工作;自組裝機器人,這種機器人可以重新配置自己或重新組裝以執行不同的和更複雜的任務;分子機械人,它是一種由生物分子如DNA和蛋白質組成的分子機器人。 分子機器人可以響應特定的DNA信號而改變其形狀和功能;機器人編譯器,它允許一般人控制機器人,這種新型軟件對促進家用機器人的普及十分重要;沙粒型機械人,它們配備了微型傳感器,可以檢測從光照、振動到溫度。這是一個只有幾毫米體積的空間內將感應,電源,計算和通訊相結合的機械人。
11人腦 電腦接口
12 極音速
i)自適應偽裝; 它在第二次世界大戰期間曾用於軍艦。 最近的研究是通過使用相機來感知背景,以及通過控制前面的面板或塗層來實現隱秘。
ii)功能性紡織品(例如先進的纖維和織物技術); 功能性紡織品是能夠調整其綜合功能的紡織品。它可以溫度控制,濕度。它在保護人免受極端冷熱條件方面有不斷發展。它在外科手術和體育競技上也有用。
iii)生物材料。生物材料是為了醫學目的而被設計的材料,它可以與人體結合而不相互排斥。 它可以治療,增強,修復或替代身體組織,也能在用作診斷性物質。
14. 先進的監控技術,例如:面印和聲紋技術。它是如何面部和聲紋作為個人特徵分辨出個人身份。


台籍居港資深記者 Jean Chen 寫了一篇關於中國平安保險的文章,獲得了今年的State Street Institutional Press Awards
We are number one in AI medical imaging, for instance, with more than 95% accuracy in the authoritative LUNA rankings for imaging in two categories for lung diseases, ahead of Alibaba Health. Chinese doctors spend on average, per patient, three to four minutes, especially in top-tier hospitals. Informal statistics show 30-odd percent of misdiagnoses or missed early detection -- we drop it down to only 8%.
Five years ago we already had our own proprietary facial recognition team; four years ago we started working on voiceprint. Whatever the language, Spanish or Sichuanese, as long as we have 20 seconds of your voice, we can translate it into a mathematical matrix as unique as your thumbprint. Our brain can only remember the voices of about 150 people. Our system can recognize unique voices of 100,000 people.
它還可以用人的表情測謊和設計句子盤問對方。這些都可以轉變用途做出如Cambridge Analytica利用facebook用戶的資料操控美國大選的人工智能工作。
our system has been trained to recognize micro-expressions, the tiniest movement of our eye muscles and around the lips, within milliseconds. We use this in our real-life loan interview done on the mobile app by our credit assessors who ask random questions just to see if a borrower is lying -- more than 80% positive prediction rate.
In smart cities, we worked in Shenzhen to ease traffic congestion. Last year traffic jams during Golden Week lasted 21.7 hours. This year it was zero, after the Shenzhen traffic police used our technology for congestion management.




2018年12月1日 星期六


CNN 出了一篇應景的文章。它不是評論性文章。香港的所謂XXX輸的幾個原因,這些文章大概唔駛睇。CNN的題為 Fashion's role in Cambridge Analytica's 'cyber warfare, 的文章是由搞到滿城風雨的 Cambridge Analytica 的前分析員Christopher Wylie 在一個有關時裝為主題的沙龍上的發言。
他披露了Cambridge Analytica 如何利用facebook 87百萬個用戶的資料操控美國大選。
As research director at Cambridge Analytica, Wylie used data harvested from 87 million Facebook users to produce algorithms that he says influenced the 2016 US presidential election.
原來今次發揮最大威力的是,Cambridge Analytica 不單止網羅了一班計算機專家,它還網羅了一些心理學家。
What makes this especially irksome is the emphasis on specific personality traits. Openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism (the "big five" identified in a psychological model known as OCEAN) were the key traits mentioned.
Targeting vulnerability
最可怕的是,Cambridge Analytica 從選民群體中找出有人格障礙的人,並集中向這些人宣傳。
But others listed in the materials shared by Wylie included depression, anger and vulnerability. In other words, people were being segmented on the basis of their mental stability. Then, if they were considered vulnerable to persuasion, they were targeted with political messaging. This is where the story starts to take on dystopian overtones.
Christopher Wylie 進一步說,人們重視衣著品味,但時裝界的品牌客觀上塑造了選民的政治傾向。
"The shame, the colonialism, the racial biases, the toxic masculinity, the fat-shaming that industry puts out -- and has been putting out for decades -- is exactly what Cambridge Analytica sought to exploit when they were seeking to undermine people and manipulate them."
The message, in simple terms: Stop making people feel bad, Fashion. It makes them easy targets for untoward digital dealings.
Christopher Wylie 的發言中心是,民主政治不是從政治開始,而是從一些與政治完全無關的東西,從人們的身邊事物開始。



“人们啊,要警惕!” -----人妖之間,劉賓雁。



Fashion's role in Cambridge Analytica's 'cyber warfare,'
Updated 1st December 2018
Written by
By Fiona Sinclair Scott, CNN
Oxfordshire, England
Fashion is a powerful tool. Covering our bodies in clothes or adornments is an almost universal behavior, and how you dress is one of the most obvious indicators of who you are.
Show me a list of people, and the fashion brands they buy from or engage with, and I could easily produce a series of assumptions about each one. I might make an educated guess about their spending power, or how fashion-conscious they are (or aren't). I might even be able to give you a sense of their character -- at least, I'd feel fairly confident distinguishing the peacocks from the shrinking violets.
The future of fashion: Complex, diverse, and more vocal than ever
Speaking at The Business of Fashion's Voices conference in the UK on Thursday, data analyst and Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie took this relatively simple idea to its worrying but logical extension: Like any tool, he said, fashion can become a weapon in the wrong hands.
"Fashion data was used to build AI models to help Steve Bannon build his insurgency and build the alt-right," he told the conference. "We used weaponized algorithms. We used weaponized cultural narratives to undermine people and undermine the perception of reality. And fashion played a big part in that."

He would certainly know. As research director at Cambridge Analytica, Wylie used data harvested from 87 million Facebook users to produce algorithms that he says influenced the 2016 US presidential election. And having previously worked toward a PhD in fashion trend forecasting, he knew that someone's choice of clothing is one of the best ways to unpick their identity.
On stage, Wylie explained how people's preferences for fashion brands on social media were used to target specific groups with right-wing political messages. Although he has previously divulged how people's online activity was used to predict political leanings, it was the first time that he publicly detailed fashion's role -- and importance -- in Cambridge Analytica's models.
During his presentation, Wylie showed various charts and graphics demonstrating how the now-defunct firm mapped clothing brands against personality traits.
"There are strong relationships between the brands, style and aesthetics that people engage with, and how they see themselves and their identity," Wylie said during the talk.
Christopher Wylie speaks on stage during The Business of Fashion's Voices conference in Oxfordshire, England. The chart compares supposed personality traits of individuals who like Wrangler versus Abercrombie & Fitch.
Christopher Wylie speaks on stage during The Business of Fashion's Voices conference in Oxfordshire, England. The chart compares supposed personality traits of individuals who like Wrangler versus Abercrombie & Fitch. Credit: John Phillips/Getty Images for The Business of Fashion
Brands like Wrangler, the jeans company, and the American student favorite Abercrombie & Fitch were compared and contrasted. Wrangler is "more cowboy, older," and more "modest" than Abercrombie, Wylie said. People who like yoga-wear brand Lululemon "are more extroverted," while L.L. Bean fans are conscientious but "low in openness." Other brands featured included Nike, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Armani, H&M, Elle and Vogue.
The simple, palatable takeaway is that modest, traditional, conventional brands tend to be favored by those with more conservative ideals, while provocative, directional brands, like Kenzo, were more likely to be worn by the liberal-minded.
Targeting vulnerability
The idea that advertisers might target us based on the brands we like, follow, talk about or engage with is hardly new. Nor is the story that Cambridge Analytica used "hyper-profiling" to target different groups for political gain.
More interesting, however, is Wylie's claim that fashion preferences are statistically among the strongest indicators of our personalities -- and that they were a particular focus at Cambridge Analytica.
What makes this especially irksome is the emphasis on specific personality traits. Openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism (the "big five" identified in a psychological model known as OCEAN) were the key traits mentioned.
But others listed in the materials shared by Wylie included depression, anger and vulnerability. In other words, people were being segmented on the basis of their mental stability. Then, if they were considered vulnerable to persuasion, they were targeted with political messaging. This is where the story starts to take on dystopian overtones.
According to Wylie, and as reported by The Business of Fashion, "consulting psychologists encouraged researchers at the firm to ask more questions on aesthetic and stylistic preferences for clothing as they were found to be strong signifiers of traits that were used as a primary means to identify people who were susceptible to joining the alt-right."
Having helped create what he called -- in typically bellicose terms -- an "informational weapon of mass destruction," Wylie then ended his talk by turning responsibility over to the fashion industry. Those in the room had "created the battlefields" of a culture war, he said before directly challenging them to fix the problem.
"We need you guys to do a better job at cultivating our cultural narratives, for our own national security and for the preservation of our democracy," he said.
Stella McCartney: 'Fur's not sexy, not fashionable, and not cool'
"The shame, the colonialism, the racial biases, the toxic masculinity, the fat-shaming that industry puts out -- and has been putting out for decades -- is exactly what Cambridge Analytica sought to exploit when they were seeking to undermine people and manipulate them."
The message, in simple terms: Stop making people feel bad, Fashion. It makes them easy targets for untoward digital dealings.
A call to arms
It was difficult to get a sense of how the CEOs and other fashion industry figures in the room felt about Wylie's rallying cry. There was loud clapping, and most people stood to cheer eventually, but the room didn't exactly shake. Just hours later, designer Alber Elbaz attracted a more kinetic reaction by ending his own talk by blasting out Aretha Franklin's "Respect" and dragging people up on stage for a dance.
Did Wylie tell the industry something it already knew? Or is this another case of negative news overload -- just another horrible story about the US presidential election and data?
There are, of course, fashion brands that understand how to balance looking good and doing good. Some of them were represented at the conference.
Stella McCartney, for instance, has been working towards sustainability in fashion for nearly 20 years, and she used the event to announce two new green initiatives: A United Nations charter for sustainable fashion, launching officially on December 10 at the UN's annual climate change conference, and Stella McCartney Cares Green, a new arm of her charity platform.
But whether the fashion industry has the power, or the collective desire, to defend us from the cultural cyber warfare foretold by Wylie, remains to be seen. The fashion world is already tackling a number of troubling issues right now: diversity and inclusion, the treatment of models, human rights in garment factories, sustainability, the fur question. Solving some of these would, indirectly, constitute a start, as it would help craft more positive narratives for brands in need, but the road looks long.
As for Wylie, H&M announced that it has hired him as its director of research. The high street retailer is attempting to use AI and data to optimize its supply chains, with one of the outcomes -- if all goes well -- being the reduction of textile waste produced by over-ordering. Perhaps, having held a mirror up to the fashion industry, Wylie now has the chance to make amends and take up his own call to arms.